Julie Seguss

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Fertility Yoga: How To Do a High Lunge With Side Stretch Pose

Step into a lunge with your right foot in front, knee bent (as close to a 90-degree angle as possible)

Fertility Yoga: How To Do an Alternating Knee to Chest Pose

Lie on your back and extend your left leg straight on the floor, flexing your foot. Bend your right knee in

Fertility Yoga: How To Do a Corpse Pose

Lie on your back with your legs wider than hip width apart, arms wider than shoulder width apart, palms up,

Fertility Yoga: How To Do a Seated Twist Pose

Sit in a comfortable cross-legged position. Place your left hand on your right knee. Inhale. Keeping your

Fertility Yoga: How To Do a Mountain Pose

Stand with feet hip distance apart. Bend your knees slightly as you place one hand on the front of your pelv

Fertility Yoga: How To Do a Yogini Squat Pose

Come into a comfortable squat with feet slightly wider than your hips. Check to make sure your knees and fee