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The Person Most Likely to Infect Your Baby With Pertussis Is…

Think you're covering all of your bases by making sure Grandma is up to date on her vaccinations&#

Can’t Tell If Your Baby Has Jaundice? There’s an App for That

No new mom worth her salt is without a smartphone in the days after baby is born. After all, those cute newb

Why Your Baby Loves Beyonce and Katy Perry as Much as You Do

You know that feeling you get when your iTunes shuffle pulls up exactly the right song (Rihanna's \"SOS\"

Behold the Surprising Power of a Crying Baby!

I don't know about you, but nothing gets to me quite like the sound of my child crying. All it takes is

Would You Buy a Smart Baby Bottle?

The French company Slow Control feels our pain, and to help, recently unveiled a prototype of its smart bott

This Toyota Car Will Revolutionize Your Road Trips

\"I can't wait to hop in the car and run errands with my child,\" said no parent ever. If you'